Monday 21 February 2011


BERMUDA TRIANGLE is one of the unrevealed mysteries of the world. The three points of the triangle are BERMUDA, SAN-JUAN, and MIAMI. There are many explanations about BERMUDA TRIANGLE but experts say that accidents are caused by bad weather or by lack of experience for pilots. I think that:-
     Matter exists in 4 states SOLID, LIQUID, GAS and PLASMA .In plasma state the molecules or elements will be in ionic state. The black hole which is in plasma state attracts everything even light which comes near it.
 On earth, matter exists in solid, liquid and gaseous states everybody knows that. Matter also exists in plasma state in very small amounts (that is in lighting) when compared to other 3states, on earth. It might be the area having matter in plasma state in larger amounts. The matter in plasma state is brought there by air currents and climatic changes during the period of evolution. This plasma matter get concentrated there, and formed walls of plasma with thick fog of charges .So it just attracts and ionizes the material which comes near to it .There oxygen also will be in its ionic state . So, there is no chance for survival.

The field of physics that studies highly ionized gases. Plasma is a gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective behavior. All gases become ionized at sufficiently high temperatures, creating what has been called a fourth state of matter, together with solids, liquids, and gases. It has been estimated that more than 99% of the universe is in the plasma state. On the Earth, plasmas are much less common. Lightning is a familiar natural manifestation, and fluorescent lights are a practical application. Plasma applications and studies make use of an enormous range of plasma temperatures, densities, and neutral pressures. They extend from plasma processing applications at relatively low temperatures (such as plasma etching of semiconductor chips at low pressure, or plasma cutting torches at atmospheric pressure) to studies of controlled fusion at very high temperatures.
Plasma physics is a many-body problem that can be described by a combination of Newton's laws and Maxwell's equations. The charged particles in plasmas are usually ions, both positive and negative, and electrons. Plasmas are normally quasineutral; that is, the net positive ion charge density approximately equals the net negative charge density everywhere in the bulk of the plasma. Quasineutrality refers to charge density and does not imply equal densities of electrons and ions since ions can be multiply charged and can also have negative charge. In space and fusion plasmas, plasmas are normally magnetized, while in application plasmas on Earth, such as plasma processing, both magnetized and unmagnetized plasmas are employed.