Saturday 5 March 2011


This is the concept based on the directional vector of the body ,that is in motion.
First we have to talk about the 1D and2Dmotions. Translatory motion is 1D and projectile motion is 2D motion.

In this motion change occurs only in one dimension. So, I call it 1D motion.

In this motion change occurs in 2dimensions.So, I call it 2D motion.

In this motion change occurs in 3dimensions .So, I call it 3D motion.
Suppose a body started at a point at time zero .In the next second its position will be at a height above the initial point and sideways to the initial plane .That means the body will be completely out of the plane of initial point.
If it starts at a point y=1 on the horizontal axis when taken on a three dimensional graph at time t=0, in the next second its displacement is such that it position is at x=1, y=2, z=-1.

It would be easy to understand only if you can imagine.
A body in this motion can pass through a co-ordinate more than one time but not through the same point, as it difference in other two coordinates. This motion is directional. A body in this motion cannot change its direction while in the motion.

This is also a type of wave motion where wavelength is the distance between two points having same coordinate of any of the three coordinates.